May 2, 2019
Summer is coming!!…………….to (sort of) paraphrase a certain series on HBO. It just doesn’t feel like it yet. But I assure you, it is coming, and we need to be ready for it. Heck, Memorial Day regatta is just 3 weeks from this weekend…….so prepare yourselves.
THE DEADLINE APPROACHES…………for CLYC registrations. May 15this it. After May 15th, you can still be a member of the Yacht Club, you just won’t see your name in lights………or at least in the yearbook that Emily Oltrogge is feverishly working on. Register by visiting the CLYC Web Site (www.clyciowa.com) or by completing and sending in the registration form that is attached to this newsletter.
YACHT CLUB CLEANUP……..is this Saturday, May 4, starting at 9:00 a.m. Saturday is supposed to be a “Top 10” weather day, so you’re running out of excuses for not showing up. We furnish most of the necessary supplies……….but we’re a bit short on gardening tools, so if gardening is your gig, please bring a few useful gardening accessories.
REMINDER…..RACE COMMITTEE CERTIFICATION COURSE………is Saturday, May 11 at the Lakeview Room in the bandshell, starting at 9:00 a.m. and running until 5:00 p.m. Details are on the CLYC Web Site and were in the last newsletter, but you can register at USSailing.org, and you can contact Charlie MacNider if you are in need of additional information.
FIRST CLYC PARTY OF THE SEASON…………is Saturday, June 1 at the Yacht Club. I know it’s still four weeks away, but I want to give the Social Members sufficient time to start planning those scrumptious hors d’oeuvres they always treat us to.
WE ARE HOSTING THE E INVITATIONAL REGATTA……..this summer, from July 12 – 14, which should be a lot of fun, especially with our revived E Fleet. You will be hearing more about it as the summer progresses.
Later, Oz
Email (office): bosmundson@onwardinvestors.com
Email (home): inremoz@aol.com
CLYC Web Site: www.clyciowa.com
Sailing Center Site: www.clycss.com
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