June 28, 2019
I’m not even going to talk about the weather, and especially the Sunday winds (or lack thereof), because I’m afraid I’ll jinx it…………..and I won’t talk about how the weather caused a change of venue of last Saturday’s CLYC party from the Taylor residence to the Yacht Club building. But there, I just talked about it, so let the jinx continue………..
LATEST RESCHEDULING OF THE RUSS SCHURTZ DAD/MOM/LAD/LASS RACE………..We’ve tried and failed to hold the annual Dad/Mom/Lad/Lass race the last two Sundays due to, you guessed it, less than optimal weather conditions (so I’ve probably jinxed it again). But it’s really going to happen this Sunday, June 30, at 2:00 p.m. Our young X Boat sailors have had two extra weeks to practice their eye rolling and snarky comments that they will inevitably direct at their adult skippers.
YACHT CLUB BOARD MEETING………is also this Sunday, June 30, at the Yacht Club building starting at noon. Note the time change from what was originally scheduled. We wanted to get the board meeting done before the Dad/Mom/Lad/Lass race gets underway.
THE ALL IOWA X BOAT REGATTA………is this Friday, June 28, at our lake. It’s a one day affair that you should check out if you’re in town.
E INVITATIONAL REMINDER……….In two weeks we will be hosting the E Invitational Regatta, and I’m sure many of you are volunteering to help. The regatta co-chair who I happen to live with (and no, it’s not Brad Price) wants to remind you all that all CLYC members are invited to attend the Saturday evening (July 13) dinner and party at Jeff Braake’s. It will be a steak grill and it runs $35 per person. Most importantly, you MUST sign up for the dinner party during registration on Thursday, July 11 between 3:00 and 8:00 p.m. If you just can’t do that, and can’t find someone to do it for you, I understand that you can contact Bob Krogh (rckrogh@gmail.com) ahead of time to purchase dinner tickets in advance.
Later, Oz
Email (office): bosmundson@onwardinvestors.com
Email (home): inremoz@aol.com
CLYC Website: www.clyciowa.com
Sailing Center site: www.clycss.com
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